Devon is back! I traveled to Ft. Leonard Wood, MO Tuesday night - in torrential down pours to Mom's great dismay.... I arrived safely however, and Wednesday afternoon I was able to see Devon for the first time in TEN weeks. I can't believe we had only seen each other 2 weeks out of FIVE months! Oh man!
Anyway - Devon looks great! He and his Company (Charlie Company - the "Comanches") marched up for Family Day shouting their cadences. Coolest thing I'd heard - I had goosebumps! It is so great to hear the men and women who serve our country up close and see how truly unified they are.
On graduation day, Dev's dad, an aunt and cousin were able to join me in the audience. We noticed one of the emblems had "send me" as one of their sayings. "Here am I, send me." The graduation began in prayer and God was certainly present for this sacred ceremony. This country for sure was built under the watchful eye of our Heavenly Father and He continues to watch over the development and action of our troops.
None of these men and women are saying "I am not my brother's keeper" or this is not my war. They are all saying "here am I, send me." I am so grateful for these men and women and I am so grateful to be a little piece of it.
I am so proud of Devon and all he has accomplished and all he is willing to give for this country, for his family and for God.
We get to spend the weekend together before I fly to Dallas Sunday night. I will be gone for two weeks, but that will allow me some time to find us a house to move into near Fort Hood. I love house shopping, but I really only have one weekend to shop, choose and deposit. Exciting, exciting!
I'll be back the first weekend in April and Devon will be headed to Fort Hood to report by noon on April 7th. We aren't sure on the exact timing, but all of the Fort Hood news seems to suggest that the 4th infantry division - 4th Brigade (his assignment) will be deploying before the summer is out. So we'll be spending every minute possible together! As much as our hectic schedules will allow.
Of course we will keep you posted as we learn more details!