Devon has been deployed for two months now. I knew I would be keeping busy, but I didn't know I would be TOO busy. Thank goodness this quarter of school is complete - I am taking a break from that - as it is the only thing on my plate I can really choose to take a break from!
Work is fine - but not what I want to be when I grow up. I always feel bad when I complain about it because PepsiCo has treated me great as far as being very flexible with my workplace situation. Being able to work from home and be with my baby girl every day is wonderful! I am getting encouragement to find a daycare or nanny, but DUDE it's another mortgage payment! They often talk to me about moving somewhere where there is an office - particularly Chicago, but they never actually put an offer on the table. Do they really think we could afford to move to Chicago from Texas? Not only would it cost more, but we'd have to set up daycare then and we already can't afford that! What happened to the days when companies would put an offer on the table and then you knew what your options were?? Apparently, employees are supposed to make all the sacrifices - no matter how "valuable" they apparently are.
Oh well - they still let me work from home - for now. Another "reorganization" or "restructuring" is going to take place....hold on tight to your seats folks! I get paid little enough that I USUALLY escape unnoticed. We'll see!
Raegan is amazing. She is on our bed napping with Scout. She finally takes long naps NOT in my arms. :) I get more done, she gets more sleep - its a win win. She is also finally eating solids - she has been for the better part of the last month. She loves lil crunchies, spinach & potatoes, banana yogurt, bananas, pears & blueberries, and apple cinnamon granola.... She tolerates some other foods, but those are her favs. I am just glad she is taking any of it, because at over 24 lbs and almost 9 months - I needed to know she might eventually like something other than breastmilk! :) Nursing is mostly for comfort now except at night when she is tired & hungry and won't tolerate the high chair :) She continues to sleep wonderfully through the night. When she wakes in the morning she often rolls straight to her stomach and backs herself into a corner wondering when I'll come to get her. She never cries in the morning, but talks to get my attention. It is a wonderful way to start the morning. She is amazing! Now - if we could only get her drinking out of a sippy cup or SOMETHING... :) Wish me luck on that.
We miss Devon very much and we know he misses us too. Two months down and 10 to go! We can make it! We skype almost every day. We continue to try and get Raegan to say dahdah, but she's not quite there. She has said it twice that I can recall, but we're hoping to make it a more regular occurrence. She is very good at mah mah mah and bop bop bop....Not sure what that last one stands for. She also loves music - she'll bounce and wave her hands all over to show her enjoyment. Sometimes I think she is trying to sing along.
About to start a book club - check it out - - I believe we are going to start with Water for Elephants. Join us! Hope you all are well (whoever you all are).
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Sunday, March 27, 2011
So, I am going to set something on my calendar so I will actually (maybe) update this blog more often! We have had so much worth blogging about too! Well - really only one thing, one someone! Raegan Michelle Lowery! She was born Sept 25, 2010 and is the best little girl ever! My opinion is not a biased one. :) Devon is getting ready to deploy again, but I'll be keeping busy with work, school, YW and of course Raegan. Yes, the boys are still a very big part of our lives too. I am also going to start least maybe I'll post something about that too! We'll see! Posting more regularly at all will be something special at this rate. So wish me luck!
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! We hope this letter finds you and your loved ones well! Devon and I and the boys are doing great. The end of this year is definitely more to celebrate than the beginning of this year was! 2009 began with Devon thousands of miles, countries, and an ocean away from his family! He was serving in Iraq as a Military Police Officer. He was (and is) happy to serve this country that he loves, but being apart is never easy. He came home early in June and we were certainly happy to be reunited.

The beginning of this year landed me in Cold Spring, MN. So while Devon was sweating it out in the desert – I was turning into ice during the coldest week that Cold Spring had all season. The temperature didn’t reach above 0 degrees F until I was driving to the airport to leave! Who sends anyone to MN in January??? Work made up for it in March by sending me to So Cal where I made a point of taking a trip to the beach one evening and enjoying some not-so cold weather! Travels for work also took me to Lithia Springs, GA, Dallas, TX, Bradenton, FL and Chicago, IL many, many times. Luckily I had friends to watch my boys while we were both away at the same time.
When I was home without Devon I filled my time with hosting casual dinners as I have found that I really love cooking! I also made sure I went to the temple several times –thanks to an amazing group of women at Church I often had friends to go with. I was able to go to the temple at least 7 times this year and hope to go at least one more time than that next year.
Since Devon came home in June the last half of our year has been pretty full with road trips – oh, and moving yet again.
Our fourth house in four years of marriage! Unlucky for us, the owner of the house we were renting returned home and wanted to move back in to his house…so we were booted. We had 30 days to find another residence and we were lucky to actually purchase a house we really like in so short a time.
Our first road trip was to Arkansas to visit Devon’s dad and his new wife, Barbara. We had a great time seeing family, meeting new family, swimming and horseback riding.
When I was home without Devon I filled my time with hosting casual dinners as I have found that I really love cooking! I also made sure I went to the temple several times –thanks to an amazing group of women at Church I often had friends to go with. I was able to go to the temple at least 7 times this year and hope to go at least one more time than that next year.
Since Devon came home in June the last half of our year has been pretty full with road trips – oh, and moving yet again.
Our fourth house in four years of marriage! Unlucky for us, the owner of the house we were renting returned home and wanted to move back in to his house…so we were booted. We had 30 days to find another residence and we were lucky to actually purchase a house we really like in so short a time.
Our first road trip was to Arkansas to visit Devon’s dad and his new wife, Barbara. We had a great time seeing family, meeting new family, swimming and horseback riding.
We then had the opportunity to attend a marriage retreat at a resort in San Antonio. With free food, fun, advice and comfortable beds – we couldn’t help but have a great time!
My sister Amber and I had planned a family reunion for the Cooper (our mom’s) side of the family in Reno, NV. So we decided that our annual road trip could precede the reunion. I was just glad Devon got to join us this year! We flew into Reno and drove directly to San Francisco. We had the opportunity to rent Go Cars. Renting a Go Car is by far the best way to tour SF and we would recommend them to anyone. (No I did not get paid to say that). But we were able to see so much more without being slowed down by the stories we didn’t want to hear. The weather was beautiful. Of course we took the time to see Alcatraz and the famous Pier 39 as well.
My sister Amber and I had planned a family reunion for the Cooper (our mom’s) side of the family in Reno, NV. So we decided that our annual road trip could precede the reunion. I was just glad Devon got to join us this year! We flew into Reno and drove directly to San Francisco. We had the opportunity to rent Go Cars. Renting a Go Car is by far the best way to tour SF and we would recommend them to anyone. (No I did not get paid to say that). But we were able to see so much more without being slowed down by the stories we didn’t want to hear. The weather was beautiful. Of course we took the time to see Alcatraz and the famous Pier 39 as well.

After a few days fun in SF we headed back to Reno where I was able to see family I had not seen in close to a decade and Devon was able to meet some of my family that he had never met before. We stayed with my grandma and I learned where I got my Game Show Network addiction as the TV was seldom on any other channel. Devon on the other hand enjoyed taking Pixie for walks around the apartment complex. J We also really appreciated the family history research that my Aunt Becky did and the time she took to put a Cooper History folder together for each of us to take home. In fact, it gave me the push I needed to start getting more involved in Family History research and I have found once you get started that hobby can be very addicting! All in all our trip to Reno was extremely enjoyable and we find ourselves wanting to return!

We are staying home for the holidays this year. We had the pleasure of having a Thanksgiving dinner with friends who were also staying home for that holiday. My dad is traveling down right before Christmas to spend some time with us and we look forward to his visit, but otherwise Christmas will be very quiet!
We found out that Devon has little over a year until he is scheduled to deploy again so we plan to continue the fun throughout 2010 until the time he has to leave us again. We hope fun is in store for you too!
We hope to hear from you and learn about your 2009. We wish you a very Merry Christmas and hope that 2010 brings with it much joy for you and your family!
With love, Devon, Sarah, Jonas & Scout Lowery ~ 2009

We are staying home for the holidays this year. We had the pleasure of having a Thanksgiving dinner with friends who were also staying home for that holiday. My dad is traveling down right before Christmas to spend some time with us and we look forward to his visit, but otherwise Christmas will be very quiet!
We found out that Devon has little over a year until he is scheduled to deploy again so we plan to continue the fun throughout 2010 until the time he has to leave us again. We hope fun is in store for you too!
We hope to hear from you and learn about your 2009. We wish you a very Merry Christmas and hope that 2010 brings with it much joy for you and your family!
With love, Devon, Sarah, Jonas & Scout Lowery ~ 2009
Sunday, January 11, 2009
The "Real" Heroes
Anyone who has family or friends serving in the military knows that those men and women of our Armed Forces are not the "Real Heroes." That title goes to the Wives, Husbands, Moms, Dads, Brothers, Sisters, and other family and friends. Their sacrafices have often gone unnoticed... theirs is beyond measure. I am grateful to have a "Military Wife" and family who unwaveringly support me and especially Sarah who is willing to stand at my side no matter the cost. I could not have done this without her... any success I gain is a direct result of her unconditional love. Thanks for the many prayers, thoughts, tears, hugs, and kisses that go out to our brave men and women! I love you Sarah - Yours Always :)
The Army Wife
Her trials, sacrifices, and devoted life.She is strong, she is brave, and she is loving indeed,Standing by her man in his time of need...
Will there be peace or will there be war?You try to be hopeful but it's hard to ignore.The world seems to be falling apartWhen to a soldier you have given your heart...
His job is ever-changing and takes him far away.You think of him always and pray every day--For his safety, his courage, and his love for you That he may remain steadfast, loyal, and ever true...
Tears have become anything but a stranger.They fall freely in sadness, loneliness, and anger.But he will never know because you will never tell.You've learned to hide your misery only too well...
A few years? That doesn't sound like so long.The letters and phone calls keep your love going strong,Even when they are few and far between,In them, his love for you can clearly be seen...
So keep your chin up and a smile on your face.He is protecting your freedom and keeping you safe.His heart is strong and his love is trueAnd don't ever forget that he is missing you too.
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